As an option to the payment systems available, we suggest the possibility of paying for your purchases in instalments. The procedure would be as follows:

  1. Confirmation of purchase and payment of 25% total cost. We take the item off sale.
  2. After 30 days, payment of 25% of total cost.
  3. After 60 days, payment of 25% of total cost.
  4. After 90 days, payment of last 25% of total cost.
  5. We send your order.

Payment conditions

  • The payments must be made via bank transfer.
  • Transport costs to be paid by the customer.
  • Once first payment has been made, no exchange can be made for other items.
  • This system is applicable to amounts over 200 Euros.
  • Return guarantee.
  • Possibility of reducing payment installments.

Please contact us with any queries or suggestions.